3rd Party Korean to English Review Services
Korean and English can be difficult languages to work with at the best of times. Occasionally, we have translation companies or organization contact us to settle quality complaints on Korean to English translations done by others. The situation is usually that the client wants a discount for the poor quality, and the translator wants their full pay. Who’s right? Or, do both have some valid points? We review both sides, the stance of the original translator (or translation company), and the end-client, and deliver our in-depth assessment. Often we are able to provide a fresh perspective by being a neutral third party, and not bringing any bias or emotion to the discussion.
Provides Cultural Insights
Occasionally, disagreements can arise about the accuracy of Korean translations described as “poor.” What usually happens is a translation project manager, or even more commonly, a client, raises a quality concern with a translated document. The translator is then contacted to explain. The client blames the project manager, who in turn puts the focus on the original translator. The translator becomes defensive, and the tension only intensifies.
This is where we come in. We review a translated Korean document and assign two neutral subject matter translation experts to perform a careful proofreading of the document in question. If the client has flagged any specific areas we give those extra attention. We summarize our findings and submit a detailed report to the client. We are available for follow-up if any disputes still remain unresolved.
3rd party Korean review services include:
Our review covers accuracy, readability, and formatting. We even review the Korean source document for any possible errors or typos that should have been flagged the first time around. To be as neutral as possible, we use two separate reviewers for this type of work. This is a relatively newer service, and we are always fine-tuning and improving our approach.
Summary of Findings
We provide a detailed assessment of all the errors (if any) found in the translation. We also highlight the parts of the translation that were done particularly well. We specifically review any complaints or questions of the client, and compare with the opinion of the translator. Our assessment is focused on the text and the faithfulness of the translation - we aren't out to blame people or take sides.
Cultural Consultation
Some Korean phrases, words, and idiomatic expressions are difficult to translate directly into English. In some cases, poor translations can lead to people being offended. We ensure that expressions that could offend or cause confusion are avoided in the first place. Depending on the context and subject matter, cultural considerations can become be quite comprehensive.