Proofreading/Editing services include:
Objective Error Spotting
We give priority to finding and correcting objective and material errors. These are errors that could lead to bad press, or even open a company or organization to legal liability. We also correct all factual and numerical errors. We also improve the readability of translations by improving flow and fluency.
Cultural Suitability
There's a major gap between Korea and the West. Often, translators don't consider the audience they are translating for, leading to confusion, or even causing a situation where people are offended. We ensure that someone who has never even heard of Korea can easily understand the translation. It's not fair to expect clients to have to learn Korean to make sense of a translated document.
Quality Assurance
In addition to correcting translation errors, we also improve the formatting where necessary when proofreading or editing. Some translators are excellent wordsmiths, but poor word processors and formatters. No matter what problem your translation has, we are confident we can improve and add value to it.