What are the differences between the Korean funeral ceremonies 장례식/영결식/고별식?


장례식 (葬禮式)

A Korean funeral ceremony or 장례식 is where one leaves this world and goes to the next world.

It may also be said that the funeral ceremony is when the soul of the deceased leaves the body behind. At this time surviving family members have an opportunity to express all of their feelings towards the deceased.

Generally, immediate family, extended family, and acquaintances and friends will all attend the funeral.

Funerals last approximately three days, so there is a window of time where it is possible to come and pay one’s respects. 


This often occurs as part of the funeral, and is the ceremony where relatives, family members, and close acquaintances part ways for the very last time with the deceased.

Unlike the funeral, 영결식 and 고별식 ceremonies will typically only have immediate family members in attendance. Very close friends may also be present, but this would be at the discretion of the surviving family members.


영결식 (永訣式)

영결식의 ‘결’은 ‘이별할 결’로서 ‘영원히 이별하는 의식’

 “Ceremony of parting ways (or separating) forever”

“Ceremony of sending off the deceased”


고별식 (告別式)

‘고별식의 ‘별’은 ‘이별할 별’로서 ‘이별을 고하는 의식’

“Ceremony of saying one’s final goodbye”