Optimizing and Preparing Your Korean Financial Documents for Translation: Best Practices and Tips
In recent months, we've seen a surge in requests for the certified translation of Korean financial (금융) and banking (은행) records. A common question from clients is about the best format for submitting these documents. While some clients opt for mobile phone pictures, others provide clear scanned images. Although there is no official guideline from banks, mortgage brokers, or other financial institutions, our experience shows that translations are generally better received when documents are scanned rather than photographed.
For those seeking certified Korean to English translations, we recommend submitting clear, scanned images of your banking or financial documents. This approach not only ensures that our team can read the content clearly but also minimizes the back-and-forth communication, ultimately leading to a higher quality translation.
An important detail to consider is the paper size of your documents. If your documents were printed in Korea, they were likely printed on A4-size paper. Ensure your scanner settings are adjusted to A4 to avoid cutting off crucial information at the top or bottom of the page. We've encountered numerous instances where important details were missing due to incorrect scanning settings.
Our team has extensive experience translating documents from a wide range of Korean financial institutions, including banks (신한은행, 우리은행, 부산은행), insurance companies, securities firms, and even the National Pension Service (국민연금공단). If you have any questions about your Korean files, feel free to reach out to us.
For more information on document translation best practices, you can also visit resources like the [American Translators Association](https://www.atanet.org/) or [The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators](https://najit.org/). These sites offer valuable insights into the translation industry and can help you understand the importance of quality document preparation.
We specialize in Korean to English certified translations of banking, financial, and all other file types. However, if you have documents in another language you want translated, we highly recommend you seek out a qualified certified translator using the STIBC, ATIA, ATIS, ATIM, ATIO, or other provincial translator associations in Canada, or ATA in the United States. We regularly collaborate with many of these translators and we are happy with the results every time!