What does the middle dot mean in the Korean language? 가운데 점(·)이란?

If you are an English speaker that has ordered a translation and you notice this symbol in the target for Korean-English translations it is possible the translator has made an error.  The usage of this symbol in Korean is unique, depending on the context, so it should not be misunderstood as always having the same meaning.

Some may explain that the middle dot (·) or “interpunct” in Korean is used how a / (slash) symbol is used in English.  However, this is too broad of an explanation, and there is more to it.

1. The middle dot (가운데 점) is used much like a comma in the English language when listing nouns.

Korean: 일본 · 영국 · 필니핀은 모두 섬나라이다.

English translation: Japan, England, and the Philippines are all island countries.

[source: Getting a Perfect Score on the TOPIK II Writing Section]

The middle dot shouldn’t appear in the English version of this sentence.

2. In Korean, the middle dot can mean the following: “and,” “or,” or “and/or.”

Korean: 표시·광고의 공정화에 관한 법률

English translation: Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising

Another example from Article 3 of the above Act

Korean: 1. 거짓ㆍ과장의 표시ㆍ광고

2. 기만적인 표시ㆍ광고

3. 부당하게 비교하는 표시ㆍ광고

4. 비방적인 표시ㆍ광고

English translation: 1. False or exaggerated labeling or advertising;

2. Deceptive labeling or advertising;

3. Unfairly comparative labeling or advertising;

4. Slanderous labeling or advertising.


The middle dot shouldn’t appear in the English as the official translation Korean laws never have this symbol in their final or provisional translations.  I have also never seen the symbol retained in the English in any of the Supreme Court rulings I have translated.


3. The middle dot is also used when indicating important Korean dates, such as national holidays or notable historical events.

Korean: 3·1 운동(三一運動) or 3·1 만세 운동(三一萬歲運動)

English translation: The March 1st Movement, Sam-il Movement, or Manse Demonstrations

One important exception to note is the word for “Korean War” in Korean uses a period, instead of a middle dot (interpunct).

Korean: 6.25 전쟁
English translation: Korean War